Reunion Update
from Katie Landise, Reunion Chair
As you all now know, our first reunion is coming up! The dates for reunion are June 3 -5, 2011, and we hope to see you all there. Things to keep in mind as reunion nears:
- An approximate cost (based on last year's pricing) is $275 per person to attend all meals/events at reunion. It is now about 60 days until early registration opens in February, so if you skip your daily Starbucks and save just $4.60 per day, you can pay for reunion in full by early registration!
- As the holidays approach, consider setting aside a small financial gift for your class to apply towards the Spirit Fund - these gifts will allow classmates to apply for financial aid for reunion, letting those who are coming from afar have a better chance of attending!
- Reunion planning is now in full swing, with the majority of decisions being made by December 1, 2010. If you have any desire to assist any of the current committee members in their roles as reunion nears, e-mail me ( and I will work to connect you with them on an as-needed basis.
- Make sure to contribute to the Record Book as Sandya Das, Record Book Chair, contacts you for information. Look to receive the Record Book at reunion!
Class Council Elections Update
from Kelly Sheridan, Nominating Chair
I hope that the fall season is treating you well. The Nominating Committee has decided to extend the November 1 deadline to December 1 in order to fill the remaining class positions of President and Treasurer. Descriptions of each of these roles can be found at the following website:
To be considered for a position, e-mail me your name at Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Class Treasury Update
from Katherine Adams, Treasurer
Hello 2006ers! Reunion is around the corner, which means it is a great time to donate to our class. The two ways to give to the class are life memberships and annual dues. Life membership dues are invested with the College’s endowment; our class receives the income generated from the investment. Thanks so much to our current life members.
Class dues support the activities of the class and will provide seed money for our upcoming reunion. All class dues are tax deductible. They do not count as gifts to the College, unlike donations made through Annual Giving.
Annual dues are $20.00. Life membership dues are $200.00. You can either donate securely via Google Checkout (information here: or the old fashioned way, by sending a check to the address below. If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thank you for your support!
If you prefer to pay by check, please email for directions on how to pay by check.
"Lost" Classmates
from the Alumnae Association
The alumnae association does not have updated contact information for the following classmates:
Sandra Ahn, Cynara Cannatella, Bora Choi, Violette Corgnati, Caterina del Conte, Emily Henderson, Kathy Kim, Natalya Krimgold, Chiara Magana Roesch, Valerie Magolan, DongYoun Park, Makeda Ricketts
If you have current contact information for one of these classmates, please send it to, or ask her to update her information on the W Network. Alternatively, if the classmate would rather not be contacted by Wellesley for class or reunion information, please let us know that, too.
Classmate Spotlight- Nandita Dinesh
from Amita Parashar and Kate Derrick
Classmate Nandita Dinesh has spent the last few years living and working on community theater projects in Rwanda, India, and Mexico. As an Economics and Theater major at Wellesley, Nandita became interested in the role that arts and culture play in the development of nations and people. After graduation, Nandita moved to Rwanda to begin working on community theater projects there, and at the end of 2008, moved to India to do similar work in Nagaland, as well as Jammu and Kashmir.
According to Nandita, "In one sense, the idea is to work in places that are in or are coming out of violent conflict and understand how theater might play a part in the reconstruction process." She looks at how theater can be used as a response to conflict, and how it can be used in public space for action and intervention, and how audience/actor interactions can play a part in these goals. She also hopes to create more intercultural experiences between Latin America, Africa, and Asia. She notes that while the countries have a strong focus on improving European and US relations, they don't focus on relating to other nations with similar social contexts. "It's as if we (in India) have nothing to learn from Rwanda because Rwanda is in Africa and its also a 'third world' nation. My search, then, is to create these connections through the realm of the arts."