Monday, February 15, 2010

Organize a Mini Reunion

A quick note on mini-reunions from our Vice President, Jerilyn Libby:

Mini Reunions
Class of 2006 mini reunions are a great chance to reconnect with friends and classmates. In the past, reunions have been organized in Boston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. If you are interested in planning a reunion in one of these cities or in another location, please contact Jerilyn Libby, jerilynm [at]

Suggestions and Tips for Mini Reunions:

· A mini reunion is as simple as three or more alums getting together; if you and your friends have had such an event recently, let us know and share pictures if available!

· San Francisco area alums recently held a mini reunion after the Wellesley Club of Northern California Holiday Tea. It’s a great idea to hold mini reunion after a local Wellesley Club event to boost attendance.

· Dining Events: Organize a social hour or dinner at a restaurant, or perhaps plan a tea, potluck, barbecue, brunch, or wine tasting.

· Cultural Events: Take a museum, garden, or architectural tour, or attend a musical or theatrical performance.

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